1465166_10152159063627985_2020644798_n   Just about a week away till the last shipping dates for goods to arrive in most countries before Christmas! If you are busy doing your gifts shopping online from overseas sellers right now,  please watch for the last shipping dates for countries of your sellers. However, these dates are only provisional and no guarantee. We strongly recommend that you complete your orders these two weeks now or earlier before the dates listed below! Our last shipping dates for orders to arrive before Christmas  for US buyers is Dec. 5th. for our eBay and A Cute Shop online stores. Please do your shopping now and this weekend! ^^~
Philippines 5.Dec.13 Vietnam Dec.Dec.13
Indonesia 11.Dec.13 Singapore 10.Dec.13
Thailand 7.Dec.13 Malaysia 7.Dec.13
Argentina 30.11.13 USA 7.Dec.13
Brazil 4.Dec.13 Canada 2.Dec.13
Mexico 26.11.13
Austria 5.Dec.13 Malta 27.11.13
Belgium 7.Dec.13 Montenegro 9.Dec.13
Cyprus 30.11.13 Netherlands 4.Dec.13
Czech 2.Dec.13 Norway 6.Dec.13
Denmark 5.Dec.13 Poland 4.Dec.13
Estonia 4.Dec.13 Portugal 28.11.13
Finland 7.Dec.13 Romania 7.Dec.13
France 2.Dec.13 Russia 23.11.13
Germany 30.11.13 Serbia 10.Dec.13
Gibraltar 4.Dec.13 Slovakia 3.Dec.13
Greece 30.11.13 Spain 5.Dec.13
Hungary 7.Dec.13 Sweden 28.11.13
Iceland 30.11.13 Switzerland 6.Dec.13
Ireland 6.Dec.13 Turkey 2.Dec.13
Italy 5.Dec.13 United Kingdom 30.11.13
Latvia 29.11.13
Lithuania 5.Dec.13 other countries 6.Dec.13
Australia 10.Dec.13 New Zealand 6.Dec.13